Archive | August, 2015

Journal Cover

27 Aug

Here is my journal cover.  I used wool felt for the outside.  The flower is three-dimensional with beads in the middle. Most of the stitching is done by machine except for the blanket stitching around the edges.  If the holes for the rings look a little off-center to you, that is because they are. I wanted to use my three-ring punch (yes I only using two holes) to punch my paper for the journal.  It was a hard battle between balance and ease.  Ease won.  I still have a few more ideas for adding decoration, but for right now it is ready to start adding journal pages.
journal outsidejournal inside


Art Journal cover part 1

12 Aug

It has been a very busy summer.  My parents have been in need of extra help so I have been traveling between their home and mine most of the summer.  On top of that my husband and I are trying to get our home ready to sell.  Lots of painting going on.  Even with all of that I have found a little time to work on my art journal.  Here is my plan for the cover.  Still: Living came up with this idea for a soft cover book.  I took that idea and I am in the process of making the cover for my art journal.  I have the basics done, I am now doing the handwork. I wanted a cover that I could add the pages to, that way I have the freedom to use paper or fabric or anything I can put holes in. I will post pictures when completed.  These pictures are from Still: Living.

Still: Living