Pinterest Testers

10 Aug

OK I admit it I visit Pinterest on a regular basis.  And there are things there that are so amazing, but are they too good to be true?  Lucky for us there are also people out there that put them to the test and report on their results.  Thank you bloggers who take their time and share your results, saving us from the ones that don’t work and letting us enjoy the ones that do.  Here are a coupe to try out:  The Craft PatchPintester (not to fond of the language, but she has put a lot of pins to the test), Pin Tried It.

One Response to “Pinterest Testers”

  1. Miranda August 29, 2012 at 6:08 pm #

    Thanks for mentioning our site- PinTried-It!! We are having a lot of fun trying out Pins from Pinterest and have probably gained a few pounds in the process as well 🙂 Thanks again!

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